Vladimir putin biography cortazar

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, the President of Russia who has been voted as the most powerful person more than three times in a row between and has clearly shown his countrys influence and his dominance over the rest of the world. There are a lot of factors due to which European countries are dependent on Russia and it fuels his international influence. vladimir putin biography cortazar

Ian somerhalder talking bad about nina dobrev

The Real Reason Nina Dobrev And Ian Somerhalder Broke UpHandoutGetty ImagesByToni Matthews - ElandGillian WaltersFew could argue against the fact that actors Nina Dobrev and Ian Somerhalder had great chemistry as Elena Gilbert and Damon Salvatore on the CW drama, The Vampire Diaries. As such, when the pair announced they were dating back in , it wasn't exactly shocking. ian somerhalder talking bad about nina dobrev

Siu tien yuen biography definition

Yuen Siu-tienChinese actor ()In this Chinese name, the family name is Yuen. Yuen Siu-tien (Chinese58; ) (27 November 8 January ) (also known as Yuan Xiaotian, Simon Yuen, Sam Seed or "Ol' Dirty") was a Hong Kong actor and martial artist. siu tien yuen biography definition

Sir moses haim montefiore biography of william

Dictionary of National Biography, Montefiore, Moses Haim;MONTEFIORE, Sir MOSES HAIM (), philanthropist and centenarian eldest son of Joseph Eliahu Montefiore, Italian merchant, of London, by Rachel, daughter of Abraham Lumbroso de Mattos Mocatta, was born in the Via Reale, Leghorn, on 24 Oct. His paternal ancestors were Jewish merchants settled in the seventeenth century at Ancona and Leghorn,32;;his grandfather and namesake having emigrated from the latter place to London in His mother's family was of the most ancient among the Spanish Jews. sir moses haim montefiore biography of william

Ascended master lanto biography sample

Lanto, Chohan of the Second Ray Lanto is Chohan of the Second Ray, the yellow ray, of wisdom, understanding and judgment. He exemplifies these and other second-ray virtues, including illumination and discernment. ascended master lanto biography sample

Mitxun chakraborty biography

Mithun Chakrabortys Biography | Birth | Education | Family | Marriage | Debut | Filmography | AwardsMithun Chakraborty is an Indian actor and politician. He was born on 16 June in Kolkata. mitxun chakraborty biography

Jimmy fontana biography

Jimmy FontanaItalian actor, composer and singer-songwriterJimmy FontanaFontana in the sBornEnrico Sbriccoli()13 November Camerino, Kingdom of ItalyDied11 September () (aged;78)Rome, ItalyOccupationsSingermusic composeractorHeight;m (5;ft 9;in)Enrico Sbriccoli (13 November 11 September ), known professionally as Jimmy Fontana, was an Italian actor, composer and singer-songwriter. 91;193;91;293; Two of his most famous songs are "Che sarà", performed also by José Feliciano with Ricchi e Poveri, and "Il Mondo". jimmy fontana biography

About emma watson biography audio

Emma WatsonEnglish actress (born )For other uses, see Emma Watson (disambiguation). Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson (born 15 April ) is an English actress. about emma watson biography audio

Sharif elm usa biography samples

Sharif Celebrates 45 Years in BusinessBy Karen GibersonKnown to the industry and his customers simply as Sharif, Sharif El-Fouly was born in Cairo, Egypt where his family operated a leather manufacturing company and produced luxury steamer trunks (a pre-curser to the suitcase). And while his earliest memories are of playing and working in his familys factory, the young Sharif - who was his parents ninth child and only son - was driven to make his way to the United States. sharif elm usa biography samples

Der kinderkreuzzug von bertolt brecht biography

Kinderkreuzzug Kinderkreuzzug ist der Titel eines Gedichts von Bertolt Brecht. Es beschreibt, wie eine Gruppe von Kindern, die beim Überfall auf Polen zu Kriegswaisen geworden sind, auf der Suche nach einem friedlichen Land durch das zerstörte Polen irrt, die Schrecken des Krieges erlebt und schließlich an Hunger und Kälte zugrunde geht. der kinderkreuzzug von bertolt brecht biography

Stina katchadourian biography of martin

Stina KatchadourianUlla Stina Katchadourian (s. heinäkuutaHelsinki) on Yhdysvalloissa asuva suomalaissyntyinen kääntäjä ja englannin ja ruotsin kielellä kirjoittava kirjailija. stina katchadourian biography of martin

Teoman kumbaracibasi biography

Teoman KumbaracıbaşıTeoman KumbaracıbaşıDoğum18 Ekim (53;yaşında)ArjantinMilliyet;Arjantin;TürkiyeMeslekSinema, dizi ve tiyatro oyuncusuEtkin;yıllargünümüzTeoman Kumbaracıbaşı (d. 18 Ekim , Arjantin), Türkoyuncu. teoman kumbaracibasi biography

Laxmi mittal biography in hindi pdf

लक्ष्मी मित्तलजन्म: 15 जून , शादूलपुर, चूरु, राजस्थानआवास: लंदन, ग्रेट ब्रिटेनकार्यक्षेत्र: भारतीय उद्योगपति, आर्सेलर मित्तल के सीईओ और चेयरमैनलक्ष्मी मित्तल एक भारतीय उद्योगपति और दुनिया के सबसे बड़े स्टील उत्पादक कंपनी आर्सेलर मित्तल के सीईओ और चेयरमैन हैं। हालांकि वे यूनाइटेड किंगडम में रहते हैं पर उन्होंने भारत की नागरिकता नहीं छोड़ी है। वे भारत के साथ-साथ दुनिया के सबसे अमीर व्यक्तियों में से एक हैं। पेशेवर इंग्लिश फुटबाल क्लब क्वींस पार्क रेंजर्स फुटबाल क्लब में उनकी 33 प्रतिशत हिस्सेदारी है। सन में उन्हें यूरोप का सबसे अमीर हिन्दू और एशियन माना गया। सन में ब्रिटेन के आठवें नंबर का सबसे अमीर व्यक्ति होने के बावजूद वे ब्रिटिश नागरिक नहीं हैं। सन में फोर्ब्स ने उन्हें विश्व का छठा सबसे अमीर व्यक्ति माना था पर मार्च में वे बहुत नीचे गिरकर 82वें नंबर पर आ गए।स्रोत: सन से लेकर वे गोल्डमैन सैक्स के बोर्ड ऑफ़ डायरेक्टर्स के सदस्य हैं। वे विश्व स्टील संगठन के कार्यकारी समिति, भारतीय प्रधानमंत्री के वैश्विक सलाहकार समिति, कज़ाकिस्तान के फॉरेन इन्वेस्टमेंट कौंसिल, वर्ल्ड इकनोमिक फोरम के अन्तराष्ट्रीय व्यापार समिति, और मोजांबिक के राष्ट्रपति के अन्तराष्ट्रीय सलाहकार बोर्ड के सदस्य हैं। वे अमेरिका स्थित केल्लोग्स स्कूल ऑफ़ मैनेजमेंट के सलाहकार बोर्ड और क्लीवलैंड क्लिनिक के बोर्ड ऑफ़ ट्रस्टीज के सदस्य हैं।सन में द सन्डे टाइम्स ने उन्हें बिज़नस पर्सन ऑफ़ , द फाइनेंसियल टाइम्स ने उन्हें पर्सन ऑफ़ द इयर और टाइम पत्रिका ने उन्हें इंटरनेशनल न्यूज़मेकर ऑफ़ द इयर का सम्मान दिया। सन में टाइम पत्रिका ने उन्हें दुनिया के सबसे प्रभावशाली व्यक्तियों की सूची में रखा।प्रारंभिक जीवन लक्ष्मी निवास मित्तल का जन्म 2 सितंबर, को राजस्थान के चुरू जिले की राजगढ़ तहसील में हुआ था। उनके पिता का नाम मोहन लाल मित्तल था। लक्ष्मी संयुक्त परिवार में पैदा हुए थे और बाद में उनका परिवार कोलकाता चला गया। उनके के दो भाई हैं ; प्रमोद मित्तल और विनोद मित्तल।लक्ष्मी निवास मित्तल ने सन से तक श्री दौलतराम नोपानी विद्यालय से शिक्षा ग्रहण की। उन्होंने कोलकाता के सेंट जेविएर्स कॉलेज (कोलकाता विश्वविद्यालय से सम्बद्ध) से वाणिज्य में बिजनेस ऐंड अकाउंटिंग में गैजुएशन की। उनके पिता मोहन लाल मित्तल का इस्पात का व्यवसाय था निप्पन डेनरो इस्पात।उद्योग जगत में कदम भारत सरकार द्वारा स्टील के उत्पादन पर नियंत्रण के वजह से वर्षीय लक्ष्मी निवास मित्तल ने सन में अपना पहला स्टील कारखाना पी. इस्पात इंडो इंडोनेशिया के सिदोअर्जो में स्थापित किया। के दशक तक भारत में मित्तल परिवार के परिसंपत्ति के रूप में नागपुर में शीट स्टील्स की एक कोल्ड रोलिंग मिल और पुणे के पास एक एलाय स्टील संयन्त्र था। आज के समय में भारत में मित्तल परिवार का व्यवसाय (जिसमें मुंबई के पास एक विशाल इंटीग्रेटेड स्टील संयन्त्र शामिल है) विनोद और प्रमोद मित्तल चलाते हैं पर लक्ष्मी का इन व्यवसायों से कोई लेना-देना नहीं है।मार्च में फोर्ब्स मैगजीन ने लक्ष्मी मित्तल को दुनिया के चौथे सबसे धनी शख्स का खिताब दिया। लक्ष्मी एशिया के सबसे धनी इंसान बताए गए।वर्तमान में लक्ष्मी मित्तल आर्सेलर मित्तल स्टील कंपनी के सीईओ और चेयरमैन हैं। इसके अलावा वह ईएडीएस, आईसीआईसीआई बैंक और इन्वेस्टमेंट बैंकिंग कंपनी गोल्डमैन सैक्स के गैर-कार्यकारी निदेशक भी हैं। सन में भारत सरकार ने उन्हें पद्म विभूषण से सम्मानित किया।लोकोपकारी कार्य नवम्बर में उन्होंने प्रतिभावान भारतीय खिलाडियों के आर्थिक मदद और प्रोत्साहन के लिए मित्तल चैंपियंस ट्रस्ट की स्थापना की। सन में जब अभिनव बिंद्रा ने भारत के लिए ओलंपिक्स में स्वर्ण पदक जीता तब इस ट्रस्ट से करोड़ रूपए पुरस्कार के रूप में दिए गए। सन के लन्दन ओलंपिक्स में उनकी कंपनी आर्सेलर मित्तल ने आर्सेलर मित्तल ऑर्बिट का निर्माण करवाया था।शिक्षा के क्षेत्र में सन में लक्ष्मी निवास मित्तल और उषा मित्तल फाउंडेशन ने राजस्थान सरकार के साथ मिलकर जयपुर में एल. laxmi mittal biography in hindi pdf

Ephren taylor biography

Ephren Taylor Sentenced in 16M Ponzi Scam That Targeted Megachurches Led by Eddie Long, Joel OsteenEphren Taylor Sentenced To Federal PrisonFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEMarch 17, ATLANTA - Ephren Taylor II, and Wendy Connor have been sentenced in connection with the fraud scheme they perpetrated while officers at City Capital Corporation. The scheme victimized over people who invested over 16 million. ephren taylor biography

Deena jones biography wikipedia shqip

George ( TV series) American TV series or programGeorge is an American sitcom that aired from November 5, , to January 19, Tony Danza was co-producer of the series. 91;193;PremiseGeorge Foreman plays a retired boxer who runs an after-school program for troubled kids. deena jones biography wikipedia shqip

Dok2 biography of donald

Dok2South Korean rapperIn this Korean name, the family name is Lee. Dok2Dok2 at the Busan Sea Festival, August Birth nameLee Joon-kyungBorn () March 28, (age;34)Gyeongju, South KoreaOriginSouth KoreaGenresKorean hip hopOccupationsYears activepresentLabelsLee Joon-kyung (Korean58;;; born March 28, ) better known by his stage name Dok2 (Korean58;;, pronounced as Dokki), is a South Korean rapper, record producer and co-founder of now-defunct Illionaire Records. dok2 biography of donald

Quilters biography

Michael A. Cummings is considered the nation's leading African American male quilter, with an ever-expanding influence on the current generation of quilt artists. quilters biography

Im jin ah biography books

nbsp;ActionsNanaFrom DramaWikiFor the Chinese drama known as Nana, see Nana (drama). ProfileName: NanaReal name: Im Jin AhProfession: Singer, actress, make-up artist, and modelBirthdate: Sep (age;32)Birthplace: Cheongju, North Chungcheong, South KoreaHeight: cmWeight: 49kgStar sign: VirgoBlood type: ATalent agency:Sublime Artist EntertainmentTV ShowsPlayer 2: Master of Swindlers (tvN, ) cameoMy Man Is Cupid (Amazon Prime, )Mask Girl (Netflix, )Glitch (Netflix, )Love in Contract (tvN, ) cameoGenesis (Olleh TV Seezn, )Oh My Ladylord (MBC, )Memorials (KBS2, )Justice (KBS2, )Kill It (OCN, )The Good Wife (tvN, )Love Weaves Through a Millennium (Hunan TV, )Unstoppable High Kick (MBC, ) cameoTV Show Theme SongsMoviesRecognitions 34th KBS Drama Awards: Excellence Award, Actress in a Miniseries (Memorials) 34th KBS Drama Awards: Best Couple Award with Park Sung Hoon (Memorials) 33rd KBS Drama Awards: Excellence Award, Actress in a Miniseries (Justice) 23rd Chunsa Film Art Awards: Popularity Award 13th Asia Model Awards: Popular Star 54th Baeksang Arts Awards: Bazaar Icon Award 6th Korea Film Actors Association Awards: Popular Star Award (The Swindlers) 1st Asia Artist Awards: Best Rookie Award, Actress - Television (The Good Wife) 7th Style Icon Awards: Tony Moly K-BeautyTriviaEducation: Ochang High School, Seoul Institute of the Arts (Beauty and Art)Languages: Korean, Japanese, and MandarinKpop group:After School and its subunit Orange Caramel. im jin ah biography books

Pangani makoma biography of albert

MakomaCongolese Christian, pop and Ramp;B musical groupMakoma is a Christian, pop, Ramp;B and dance musical group originating from Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo (formerly Zaire) and established in the Netherlands. It is made up of 6 siblings (3 brothers and 3 sisters): Nathalie Makoma, Annie Makoma, Pengani Makoma, Tutala Makoma, Duma Makoma, Martin Makoma and a non-family member, Patrick Badine. pangani makoma biography of albert

Henrik svensmark biography channel

The Cloud Mystery Galactic influence on Earths multi-million-year climate cycles By Henrik Palmgren | Documentary Presents Proof that Global Climate is Driven by Galactic Radiation and Solar Magnetic Activity. In , a scientific team led by Henrik Svensmark, director of the Center for Sun-Climate Research at the Danish Space Research Institute (DSRI), a part of the Danish National Space Center, managed to publish, after more than a year of having it rejected, a peer-reviewed paper culminating their research proving that cosmic rays and solar activity govern Earths climate. henrik svensmark biography channel

Sadar ud din hashwani biography of abraham

Sadruddin Hashwani - BiographyPostby Admin raquo; tial-lifeA consequential life Saad Shafqat November 16, In his rise to business stardom, Sadruddin Hashwani has lived a significant life that offers many lessons For a variety of factors, some our own doing and some a matter of fate, Pakistan is not considered a particularly business-friendly country. Certainly, not many would think of us as a nation of entrepreneurs, innovators, or businessmen. sadar ud din hashwani biography of abraham

Jayshree arora biography of martin luther

Jayshree AroraJayshree Arora Biography Jayshree Arora, also pronounced as Joyshree or Jayshri Arora is a film, stage and television actress, who has portrayed numerous character roles on Bollywood screen. She is also an accomplished classical dancer trained in Kathak and Manipuri dance forms. jayshree arora biography of martin luther

Daniel mitura biography

Michael JorgensenmichaelFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, PLEASESCI-FI THRILLER SHORT FILMLAUNCH AT PARADISEWRAPS PRODUCTIONSTARRING CATHERINE CURTIN amp; ZAINAB JAHWITHJAMES HARKNESS, LAUREN SCHAFFEL, PATRICK SHANE, AND DANIEL MITURADIRECTED BYCARRIE ANN QUINNWRITTEN BYDANIEL MITURAPOSTER amp; STILLS AVAILABLE HERENew York, NY (September 10, ) Production has wrapped on Launch at Paradise, a new science-fiction thriller short film by Carrie Ann Quinn (Defending Jacob) starring two-time Screen Actors Guild Award winner Catherine Curtin (Orange is the New Black, Stranger Things) and Obie Award winner Zainab Jah (False Positive, Deep State), with Grammy Award nominee James Harkness (Aint Too Proud), Lauren Schaffel (Still Standing), Patrick Shane (Homicide City), and Daniel Mitura (The Hobbyist). Written by Daniel Mitura and directed by Carrie Ann Quinn, Launch at Paradise features music by Blair Borland, editing by Jonathan Rogers, production design by Kat VanCleave, cinematography by Dominick Sivilli, and costumes by Breton Tyner-Bryan. daniel mitura biography

Sir william wallace biography mel gibson

What Happened To The Real William Wallace ( What Braveheart Leaves Out)Warning: This article contains descriptions of Medieval torture.  Mel Gibson's Academy-Award-winning film Braveheart focuses on the life and legacy of Sir William Wallace - but leaves out certain details regarding his final fate. sir william wallace biography mel gibson

Stas mihailov biography books

Stas Mikhailov: biography of a popular singer. Life and creative path of Stas Mikhailov Stas Mikhailov is a well-known Russian singer and author of sensational hits all over the world and in the CIS countries. stas mihailov biography books

About zoya akhtar biography

Zoya AkhtarIndian film director (born )Zoya Akhtar (born 14 October ) is an Indian film director and screenwriter who works in Hindi cinema. Born to Javed Akhtar and Honey Irani, she completed a diploma in filmmaking from NYU and assisted directors Mira Nair, Tony Gerber and Dev Benegal, before becoming an independent writer and director. about zoya akhtar biography

Chas chandler biography of christopher

Chas ChandlerEnglish musician ()For the Hellblazer comic series character, see Chas Chandler (comics). Musical artistBryan James "Chas" Chandler (18 December 17 July )91;193; was an English musician, record producer and manager, best known as the original bassist in The Animals, for which he was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in He also managed the band Slade, and Jimi Hendrix, about whom he was regularly interviewed until his death in Early lifeBryan James Chandler was born in Heaton, Newcastle. chas chandler biography of christopher

Matenrou opera ayame biography templates

Matenrou OperaJapanese visual kei symphonic metal bandMatenrou Opera (Japanese: , Hepburn: Matenrō Opera, lit. ;'Skyscraper Opera') is a Japanese visual keisymphonic metal band. matenrou opera ayame biography templates

Leila ali biography

Laila AliAmerican boxer (born )Not to be confused with Laylah Ali. Laila Amaria Ali (born December 30, ) is an American television personality and retired professional boxer who competed from to During her career, from which she retired undefeated, she held the WBC, WIBA, IWBF and IBA female super middleweight titles, and the IWBF light heavyweight title. leila ali biography

Averell harriman biography of barack obama

Averell HarrimanAmerican diplomat and financier, ambassador to the USSR in Date of Birth: Country: USAContent:Biography of William Averell HarrimanEarly Life and Business CareerPolitical CareerLater Years and LegacyBiography of William Averell HarrimanWilliam Averell Harriman () was an American diplomat and financier. He served as the US Ambassador to the Soviet Union from to and as the Secretary of Commerce from to Throughout his career, Harriman held various diplomatic and administrative positions from to Early Life and Business CareerWilliam Averell Harriman was born on November 15, , in New York City. averell harriman biography of barack obama

Lee iococca biography

Lee IacoccaAmerican businessman ()Lee IacoccaIacocca in BornLido Anthony Iacocca()October 15, Allentown, Pennsylvania, U. DiedJuly 2, () (aged;94)Los Angeles, California, U. lee iococca biography

Longtemps je taimerais alain morisod biography

Alain MorisodSwiss musician and television producer (born )Alain MorisodMorisod in , by Erling MandelmannBirth nameAlain MorisodAlso known asBorn () 23 June (age;75)Geneva, SwitzerlandOccupationsMusiciancomposerrecord producerconductortelevision producerInstrumentPianoYears activepresentLabelsWebsiteMusical artistAlain Morisod (born 23 June ) is a Swiss musician and television producer, known for forming Sweet People who had a UK number 4 hit in with "Et Les Oiseaux Chantaient (And the Birds Were Singing)". 91;193;Early lifeMorisod grew up with an older brother, Maurice, born 3 April He did also have another brother, Jean-Claude, born 23 October , but he died only 4 days after being born. longtemps je taimerais alain morisod biography

Cam gigandet biography imdb project

Cam Gigandet Bio, Wiki, Age, Height, Family, Wife, Twilight, Salary, Net Worth, Divorce, GayCam Gigandet BiographyCam Gigandet is an American actor who was born on August 16th, , in Tacoma, Washington. He is the son of Kim and Jay Gigandet, a co-owner of The Rock pizza franchise. cam gigandet biography imdb project

Jonathan bermudes biography

Jonathan BermúdezPuerto Rican baseball player (born )Baseball playerJonathan Alberto Bermúdez (born October 16, ) is a Puerto Rican professional baseballpitcher for the Rakuten Monkeys of the Chinese Professional Baseball League (CPBL). He has previously played in Major League Baseball (MLB) for the Miami Marlins. jonathan bermudes biography

Rolling stones charlie watts biography

Charlie WattsBritish drummer ()For other people named Charlie Watts, see Charlie Watts (disambiguation). Charles Robert Watts (2 June 24 August ) was an English musician who was the drummer of the Rolling Stones from until his death in Originally trained as a graphic artist, Watts developed an interest in jazz at a young age and joined the band Blues Incorporated. rolling stones charlie watts biography